
Richard Aldridge in New Guinea Coral Expeditions has asked me to provide a short Biography/History about my career and experiences in PNG so you can get to know me a little more before we meet on the upcoming cruise.  I thought I would share my experiences and some...

Primitive Art

Primitive Art

Primitive Art   Primitive art is the politically incorrect name for Tribal art or Ethnographic art but I think the term primitive can still be used.  Many pieces of Primitive art have a raw and shocking clarity that makes them superior to contemporary art....

Primitive Art

South Pacific Art

South Pacific Art All the traditional arts from Polynesia Micronesia and Melanesia together form South Pacific Art. Melanesia is Papua New Guinea Vanuatu and New Caledonia. Polynesia is all the Pacific Islands like Tonga and Fiji but also include New Zealand and...

Pacific Art

Pacific Art

Pacific Art All the traditional arts from Polynesia Micronesia and Melanesia together form Pacific art. Melanesia is Papua New Guinea Vanuatu and New Caledonia. Polynesia is all the Pacific Islands like Tonga and Fiji but also include New Zealand and Easter Island....

Old Carved Club from the pacific

Old Carved Club from the pacific

Old carved clubs from the Pacific Islands Old Carved Club This article looks at the various types of old carved club from the Pacific. It has lots of images to help readers identify where their war club comes from and what it is worth. Old carved club are quite...

Polynesian Statue

Polynesian Statue

Polynesian Statue A Polynesian Statue is one of the most valuable and sort after pieces of tribal art. There are many different Polynesian Statue types, which vary depending on the region they come from. This article helps to visually show the main types of Polynesian...

Old Carved Shield

Old Carved Shield

Old Carved Shields from Papua New GuineaThere are many different styles of old carved shield from New Guinea. They vary depending on the region/tribe they come from. The aim of this article is to help you recognize and know more about these old carved Shield....

Oceanic War Clubs

Oceanic War Clubs

Oceanic War Clubs Oceanic War Clubs This article looks at the various types of Oceanic war clubs. It has lots of images to help readers identify where their Oceanic war club comes from and what it is worth. Oceanic war clubs are quite beautiful in their own right and...

Ethnographic Art

Ethnographic Art

Old Ethnographic Art   Types of Ethnographic Art Old Ethnographic Art has four major regions. Oceanic or Pacific Art includes all the islands of the Pacific Ocean and Papua New Guinea. African art includes all the countries in Africa but main not ancient Egypt....

Ethnographic Art

Old Tribal Artifacts

Old Tribal Artifacts Types of Tribal Artifacts Old Tribal Artifact come from four major regions. Oceanic or Pacific Artifacts come from all the islands of the Pacific Ocean and Papua New Guinea. African Artifact comes from all the countries in Africa but main not...